I walked to the surviving station. I would go in every station in those days I had for training. I would try to improve my basic skills and go for better. I was perfect in archery but I wasn't gonna train. If I prooved everyone I was good at it, I would become a killing aim and I would die in the blood bath. I learned the basic but during the day I had learnt everything I needed and much more usefull things; about starting a fire, covering tracks, searching for water, understanding when it's about to rain [even though gamemakers controlled that], climbing trees, setting a camp, cleaning water and searching for animal "homes". Also making a tempor shelter! I was forced to learn this by heart and memorised everything I've been taught, well.
-More than any other skill, your attitude determines how successful you are in a survival situation. This first of the basic survival skills might even determine whether you live or die in GAMES.
To start, consider “The Rule of Threes.” A human can survive for:
- 3 minutes without air
- 3 hours without a regulated body temperature (shelter)
- 3 days without water
- 3 weeks without food
I muttered mostly to my-self. I was ready to go on!