If you can raed tihs tehn you are an aiazmng preson who really msut be berod. Are you sitll redaing? You are vrey atnettive! I lkie yuor stlye and if you are SLITL rdaeing tihs, tehn you are vrey cool bucaese accnrdiog to a rrseaech at Cambrigde Ueivnrsity, it dseon't maettr in waht oredr the lertets in a wrod are. The olny impartont tnihg is taht the frist and lsat letetr be in the rhgit plcae. The rset can be a ttoal mses and you can stlil raed it wiuhott preblom. Tihs is baceuse the hmuan mnid deos not raed erevy letter by iestlf, but the wrod as a whloe.
Comment if you get it!