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 .:Pip's home for District friends:.

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3 posters
Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 10:16 am

Welcome, Guest,!!!
This is my topic for characters, please do not clutter it with un-needed information. Unless you are apploding good work, or giving me constructive critasism, or accepting a character, than please don't post here.

Azalea Markett------Random model
Klark Peterson------Random model
Keirce Coin-----------Random model
Stella Archer---------Random model

Azalea Market-------#FF99FF
Klark Peterson------#FF66FF
Keirce Coin-------Olive
Stella Archer---------#6633FF

Last edited by Pippop on Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:15 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 10:17 am

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Christieburke
Personal Information
Azalea Meme Markett
April 2
District Information
Nine, the 'grain district'
.:Weapon of Choice:.
Azalea was given a small knife by her father. She hides it under some dirt a little away from her house, and only takes it out in memory of her father.
Family, Personality, Appearance, and more!
"Mother! Azalea screamed while tears ran down her face. She stood outside of her burning home, with her older brother, and two younger siblings. They were all she had left now. Her parents had said something that had offended the capitol, and in return they killed them, leaving four children orphaned. Azalea looked to her older brother, Nalin. Then, she looked down at her two younger siblings, the twins Glen and Heather, they were hugging each other, and Heather's unused hand was holding onto my leg. They looked up at me. "]Azalea...Nalin...What do we do now?" Azalea tried to give the twins a smile, but it was hard with the tears streaming down her face.
"I...I don't know Glen and Heather."
Nalin-Nalin is ninteen, the oldest of the four children. He's always watched out for Azalea, Glen, and Heather. But, it puts a lot of weight on Nalin. When he gets overly fustrated with his younger siblings, you can find him in the feilds, harvesting grain. Nalin harvests grain to get's his mind off of things.
Glen-Glen is eight. He is the older one of the twins. Glen is very courious, and was a born scientist. He enjoys taking things apart to see how their made or put together. Glen loves his family dearly, but they don't trust him with a knife because if he got a knife, than Glen would probobly be missing several fingers.
Heather-Heather is eight. She is very quiet, and tends to always be near one of her siblings. She has a big heart, and loves everything living. Heather cannot stand to see someone else in pain, and is very emotional.

.:Brief History:.
Azalea was thirteen when her parents died(Nalin was fifteen, Glen and Heather were four). But, before they did die, Azalea and her family lived as happy as a family could during this time period. Nalin would help their parents harvest grain, and Azalea would watch over Glen and Heather. Azalea taught the twins how to read, their colors, shapes, just about everything that they would later learn in school Azalea taught them at a young age. But, all of this changed when Azalea's parents died. After their deaths, Azalea had to start helping out in the feilds with her brother to support the four of them. When they wern't working though, Azalea still tried to teach Glen and Heather about life.
.:Physical Appearance:.
Azalea has light brown hair. It's naturally curly, and Azalea doesn't do anything to it except put in the occasional flower. When Azalea goes out into the grain feilds, she would tie her hair up with a green bandana to keep it out of her face. Azalea has hazel eyes, that are pointed at the ends. She has short, but dark eyelashes. Azalea has freckles spotted across her nose, that's pointed up. Azalea's tanned skin is usually spotted with dirt, or sweat.
Azalea has a big heart, and loves everyone that she meets. She tries to be kind to them, but Azalea also has a temper. She can become very mad very fast. Azalea is very determaned. Once she's set her mind to something, you can't change it. She thinks more with her actions then her head, and get's mad when someone tells her that. But, Azalea is very smart. She was always one of the top students in her class, and is a very good teacher.
Azalea thinks that everything is within her reach, and that she can do anything. She beats herself down when there is something that she can't do.
Azalea is good at teaching others, and making others feel good about themselves. She tends to have little ideas to make crafts, but dosn't really find the time to make them. So, Azalea gives a little scetch of the design in a notebook that she keeps in her new house.

Azalea's Posting Code:

Last edited by Piplope on Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 10:17 am

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Tumblr_ldpo1aRHLR1qa2hwao1_500
Personal Information
Klark Matthew Peterson
December 18
District Information
District 6, the 'transportation district'
.:Weapon of Choice:.
Klark has never used an actual weapon except for his hands, and some rocks. So, he would'nt mind using a slingshot, or some sort of poisen that is easy to use.
Family, Personality, Appearance, and more!
Klark was looking into his younger brother's room. It was his fault, this was all his fault. Klark was taking his brother on a walk down to a small river that he knew of to help keep his brother cool. It had been a hot summer day, and the two boys were sweating. But, as siblings were taking off their shoes, rolling up their pant legs, and walking down the slope, Klark's younger brother triped and hit his head hard on the rocks below. Klark, being Klark, forgot his own safty and ran down the slope to his younger brother. There had been a large gash, and Sky Peterson's head was bleading. Klark had brought his brother home, and gotten the town doctor. The doctor walked out of Sky's room. "The cut's not all that bad, but he does have a bad gash in his head. Don't worry, he's not dead, he's in a coma. Hard to tell when he's going to come out of it" and with that, the doctor had left. Klark's parent's didn't blame him for what had happend, but Klark beat himself up for it anyway.
David Peterson-David Peterson is in his early fourties; 42 to be exact. He got married at a young age, and he is the father of Klark and Sky Peterson. David is very intellagent, and tries to see the best of people. But, he dosn't see kindly to disrespect, and raised his children to the best of his abilities.
Angela Felur-Peterson-Angela is in her late thirties; 38 to be exact. She, too got married young. She is the mother of Klark and Sky, and is the soon-to-be mother of another, unamed child. Angela is strict, and isn't up for someone sassing her, rudeness, and expects to be respected. But, Angela also is loving. She loves everyone, and hates to see them upset.
Sky Peterson-Sky was a very courious, yet strange boy. Sky is ten-years-old, and yet, he has a hard time trusting people that he's not related to. While in school, Sky would sit in the back of the class, come home for lunch, and didn't have any friends. But, when he was at home, he would say how many friends he had, and how much he loved school, which is somewhat true. Sky loved learning, and would spend as much time as he could outside learning, whenever he wasn't helping his mother, father, or brother.

.:Brief History:.
Klark has lived in District six his whole life. He's done ok in school, and his family can make ends meet pretty well. They arn't the poorest family, but they occasionally need help with money. Klark started working with the machines when he was thirteen. He gets the occasional cut, because he helps makes parts to the trains that they use in Panem. Before Klark's younger brothers incadent, he would bring his younger brother out to the river a lot. But, ever since that day, Klark has been to afraid to go back to the river. So, Klark now uses his time with work, school, helping out his mother, and talking to Sky. Klark has a nightly ritual, every night before he goes to bed, Klark goes into his brother's room, sits on his bedside, and tells him about his day.
.:Physical Appearance:.
Klark has dirty blonde/brown hair. He brushes it to the side of his face, trying to keep it out of his eyes. Klark's eyebrows are light brown, and are curved. His eyes are an icy blue, and are round. Klark's nose is button-shaped, and his bottem lip is fat, due to the fact that he's allergic to bee's, and a bee stung him on the lip when he was young. Klark's body is built for building things. His fingers have some calluses from working in the factory for two years. He has a lot of upper body strength, and thin legs. Klark comes in at 5' 9'', and his skin is caucasion, but tanned. It's tanned because he used to spend a lot of his time outside.
Klark is kind. He hates seeing people hurt, and does anything in his power to protect them. While most people see this as a good thing, the more intellagent people see it as trouble. He's also friends, and doesn't like to see people left alone. This is why he cared so much about his brother, because he spent all of his time at school alone. Klark also hates change. He likes routines, and absolutly hates it when he's forced to change his routine. He is a major neat freak. Klark hates things to be messy, and is constantly fixing his hair, brushing off his clothes, making his bed, etc.
Klark's flaw is loyalty to others. He will put his own life in some strangers hand, and will hold onto the other people that he loves. Klark doesn't mind it when people beat him up, but as soon as an enemy lays even a slight finger on someone he loves, than Klark gets a rush of adrenaline, and fights the person.
Klark is good at finding little hiding spots, and out-of-the way places. He's very good at fixing things, and cleaning them as well. He knows how to make someone smile, and feel good about themselves.
Klark is allergic to bee's

Klark's Posting Code:

Last edited by Piplope on Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:33 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 10:17 am

.:Pip's home for District friends:. 300_bulimia
Personal Information
Stella Ruby Archer
April 1
District Information
Four, the 'Fishing' District
Very Poor
.:Weapon of Choice:.
A bow and arrow.
Family, Personality, Appearance, and more!
Stella hid in the corner of the room that she shared with her mother. Her mother got the one bed, and Stella would sleep on the floor with a blanket and a pillow, along with her stuffed cow-Spots. She hears the front door slam, and knows that her mother is in a bad mood. Stella, quickly, begins making her mothers bed. Stella's mother, after several minutes, comes into their room, drunk. The young girl can guess that her mother had had a bad day at work, causing Stella to get in trouble. And, she was drunk, which made the punishment worse.
"Mother, I-"
"No back talking, you little brat! Outside, NOW!" Stella's mother shouts, and Stella soon stiffens up. She knows exactly what's going to happen. It happen last week, it happened at the first of the month. It happened a lot, lately.

Sarah Archer- is Stella's mother, and only family. Sarah is originally from the Capitol, but was soon forced to move to a district of her choosing. She chose district four because she thought that they would have beautiful beaches. While the beaches were beautiful, they weren't what she expected them to be. Sarah, also became an alcoholic when she moved. The alcohol caused her to go a little wrong in the head, so when she had a daughter, she became abusive. Whenever Sarah came home in a bad mood, the little girl, Stella, was the one she blamed.
.:Brief History:.
Stella grew up in District Four with her abusive mother. Soon, she began to fear everything, from a sound in her house, to a mouse scuttling across the ground. Whenever Stella's mother was at work, and Stella didn't have to go to school, then she'd be at home, cleaning, or cooking. But, occasionally, there was nothing to be done, so Stella could sneak out, and be back by the time her mother got home, because she often came home late, or drunk. Stella would run down to this small cove. The cove wasn't much, a small strip of sand with ocean lapping up it. But, Stella loved the cove because she was the only one that knew about it.
One day, when Stella was sneaking down to her cove, she met a boy named Marlin. Marlin claimed to have seen Stella at school, but had never said anything to her. He had seen her go to and from her little cove, and Marlin's father worked with Stella's mother. Stella had become afraid that Marlin would tell her mother of her trips to the cove, but instead, Marlin befriended her, and eventually, she took him down to her cove.
.:Physical Appearance:.
Stella has long, dirty blonde hair that she gets from her mother. Her eyes are a startling grey, and she gets them from her unknown father. Stella has fair skin. Her nose is small, but wide. Her eyes are small, too. She has light pink, full lips. Stella is 5' 6''. She wears a necklace given to her by her mother, but from her father. It is a small necklace with a silver chain, and blue metal dolphin.
Stella has developed another personality. One that can take her mothers cruel beatings, and another for whenever her mother isn't home. The second personality is her own.
Stella's real personality~
Stella is a quiet girl, she doesn't ask for much, and accepts things for what they are. She doesn't like change, and accepts the fact that she can't change her situation. Stella doesn't mind being alone, and likes being alone. She becomes nervous easily, and very cowardly. Stella doesn't really trust others, except for Marlin, her only true friend.
Stella's other personality~
Much like Stella's first personality, this one is too, quiet. When like this, Stella shows little to no emotions. She can't really 'feel' anything, and not just touching. She can't feel others love, or hatred for her. All in all, Stella's second personality is like a rock. Cold, and hard, and non-living.
Stella expresses great fear towards others, unless she fully and completely knows that she can trust them. Stella cannot trust others, unless they prove themselves. She has always lived in the fear of her mother, and that someone will exploit her cove.
Stella is good at cooking and cleaning, any household chores. She can also sing, and likes to sing as she works.
Stella has what you would call MPD(Multiple Personality Disorder). She also dreams of finding her father one day.

Stella's Posting Code:

Last edited by Pippop on Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:12 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 10:17 am

.:Pip's home for District friends:.
Personal Information
Kierce 'Key' Michal Coin
August 23
District Information
District three, the 'electronics' district.
.:Weapon of Choice:.
Key uses any electronics to his disposial, or a knife.
Family, Personality, Appearance, and more!
Key's father, Oliver, came in after a long day of working. "Hello, father. How was work today?" Key smiled, taking his father's hat and coat, hanging it up in a closet. His father smiled, and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. "Well, son, today we were quite busy. We got a new shipment of electronics and now, we must make them into a small, flying beetle. These will be used to spy on the other districts, or people that the Capitol does not trust. Ever since the Mockinjay's don't work, the Captiol has depended on us on making a new spy-creature." Key smiled at what his father was saying. He wanted the rebles to go down, after all. It was because of the capitol that he was living in this nice house. "Mother is upstairs in the study. She got home at lunch, because everything was running smoothly, and wasn't needed. She was still paid for the rest of the day, though." Key told his father. Key enjoyed his life, and didn't want it to change.

Oliver Coin-Is Key's father. He is fourty-seven, and builds bugs for the capitol. He loves the capitol, and would like for the rebles to go down. Oliver is not one for disrespect, and expects everything to go one way.
Sarah Amelea-Coin-Is Key's mother. She is fourty, and her job is to make sure that everything is on schedual. At home, Sarah is the same. She makes sure that everyone is where they are suppost to be, and she becomes very upset whenever someone stray's from the schedual.
.:Brief History:.
Key has grown up in District Three. When he was younger, he didn't see much of his mother or father. He was raised by his nanny, servants, and tutor. This is why he is so intelligent now. Key didn't play with children his age when he was young, instead, he was locked inside of his home forced to study. But, one day, Key became gravly ill. His parents had finaly took notice of him, and took him to the best of hospitals, in hope to find a cure for their belovid son. The doctors could only cure part of Key's illness. Every now and then, Key goes into a coughing fit, also called asthma. Key's mother and father, then, began to spend more time with their son, and he soon became the center of attention.
.:Physical Appearance:.
Key has spikey, jet black hair. He keeps it pushed over his right eye. His skin is pale because Key stays inside of his house most of the time. His hight is average, coming it at 5' 6''. Key's eyes are an icy grey, and he has perfected his death stare. His nose is a small feature on his face, with rounded ends. Key's lips are small, and thin and light pink. Key tends to give cold looks, and has taugh himself how to hide his emotions.
Key is very proud of himself, and his family. He believes that he can do anything, and everything, and nothing can stand in his way. He believes that nothing that he does is wrong, and if he does somehow make a mistake, he finds a way to blame it on someone else. Key is also a manipulator. He is very good at getting what he wants because he would manipulate his servants when he was younger. Key also loves being the center of attention. He absolutly loves all of the camera's to be on him, watching him. He hates it when someone else steal's his limelight.
Key is way to pridefull to see anything else other than his own achevments.
Key is very good at solving things, and can get himself out of just about any situation. He is good at getting what he wants, and will do just about anything to get it. Key is also good at making it sound like he is the innocent one, and can put any one else at fault for his own mistakes.
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Sienna3
A labradoodle named Copper.
Key has asthma.

Key's Posting Code:

Last edited by Pip on Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:11 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 10:17 am

.:Pip's home for District friends:. 2263_3b9a_cody-simpson-twitterpic1
Personal Information
Grey Anderson Auto
January 20
District Information
Five, the 'Power plant' District
.:Weapon of Choice:.
Knife of any kind
Family, Personality, Appearance, and more!
Grey smiled as he picked up his little sister, Mary. She chuckled as he poked her stomach. "Big brother, take me down to where you work. Pleeaaassee?" Mary was obsessed with the power plants. Grey gave a laugh. "Sorry, girlie, but you've gotta go to school."
"How come you don't gotta go to school?"
"Because, I've gotta help out Momma and Dad." Grey explains. Mary's face becomes sad, but then she looks back up at her brother.
"Can you pick me up from school, and then take me to your work?" Grey nods, and takes his younger sister to her school.

Anna Auto

Kurt Auto

Mary Auto
.:Brief History:.

.:Physical Appearance:.





Last edited by Pippop on Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:59 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 3:52 pm

~~~Azalea Meme Markett~~~

Is new, and needs acceptance!!
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Retired Admin

Female Posts : 4072
Join date : 2012-03-02
Birthday : 1997-11-02
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue150/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)
Character Name::

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 3:55 pm

Azalea Markett, is accepted.
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2012 6:58 pm

~Klark Matthew Peterson~

Is new, and need's to be accepted!
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Retired Admin

Female Posts : 4072
Join date : 2012-03-02
Birthday : 1997-11-02
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue150/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)
Character Name::

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2012 7:02 pm

Klark Peterson is accepted! Smile He's good looking too...Just saying! xD Lol
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 3:50 pm

~Dove Sarahbelle Jones~

Is new, and needs to be accepted!
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Panda King
Panda King

Male Posts : 1443
Join date : 2011-02-08
Birthday : 1994-12-20
Age : 29

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue400/400.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (400/400)
Character Name:: Brook Shields
Alliance:: Victors

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 3:58 pm

You can accept your own characters~ (:
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 11:59 am

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Jade
Personal Information
Kitten Lain
Twenty Five
Stylist information
.:Year as Stylist:.
.:Preferred District:.
Three, the Electronics District
.:Physical Appearence:.
Kitten has fair, pale skin and black hair. She takes a lot of care with products, to make sure that her face is always clean. Her eyes were blue, but Kitten had them colored to be grey. She enjoy's lookng 'natural' and doesn't want to go overboard with make-up.

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Barbiemakeup
Personal Information
Sunella 'Ella' Margo
Stylist information
.:Year as Stylist:.
.:Preferred District:.
8, the Textile District
.:Physical Appearence:.
Sunella loves makup, and wears it as often as she can. Her skin is fair, and she is a major germaphobe. She keeps a lot of mousterisers on her at all times, and sanitizers, too. Her eyes are an electric blue, and her hair is bleached blonde. Sunella wears simple dresses that arn't to flashy. But, Ella absolutly loves shoes. She wears all diffrent kids of shoes. From ankle-breakers to flats.

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Green
Personal Information
Anna Cook
Twenty seven
Stylist information
.:Year as Stylist:.
.:Preferred District:.
11, the 'agriculture' district
.:Physical Appearence:.
Anna has frizzy and curly black hair. Her skin is dark, and her eyes are brown. Anna is 5' 10'', but tends to look taller because she wears high-heal shoes.

.:Pip's home for District friends:. JonnyBlanciak

Personal Information
Asher Mitchal
Twenty eight, was Fifteen when one the Hunger Games
February 18
District Info
Ten, the 'Livestock' District
.:How They Won the Games:.
Asher won the games by hiding. He was very good at finding animals to hunt, and eat. He would hide in caves, and tree's. Only coming out at night to eat. When the tributes were narrowed down, the career's found him. He barley left them alive. But, he made a trap out of nightlock, and won.
Asher grew up in District ten with a bunch of animals. He lived with his father, who always pressured him to practice in case he was ever placed in the hunger games. Instead of working with the animals, he would be at home practicing. His father would make him climb tree's, camoflaug himself, and taught him the diffrent berries that he could, or couldn't eat. Eventually, Asher did get into the Hunger Games, and used the adive he got from his father, and his mentor, and won.
Asher has a long face, with spread out features. His skin is tan, and he enjoy's spending time outside. Asher's hair is black, and his eyes are green. Asher's eye's are small, and he has a big nose.
Asher keeps things to himself, and tends to be anti-social. He doesn't share his past with others, and his time in the Hunger Games still causes him to have nightmares. He believes that you have to face your fears, but he knows that having a fear makes you human. Asher tries to find out his students personality, and work with it, giving them the best advise.
Asher is afraid of being pushed to the limit, and will often take breaks so he woun't be pushed to far.

Last edited by Pip on Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:04 am; edited 5 times in total
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2012 10:48 pm

~Kierce Michal Coin~
Is new! And because I'm a mod, I accept him, unless anyone else has any objections.
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 5:35 pm

~Dove Jones~
Has now been deleted. I could not find the time to develope her the way that I wanted, and I'm not quite sure why I made her. Her personality and history is a lot like Azalea's, so it annoyed me.
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Princess Gummy Bear

Female Posts : 723
Join date : 2012-03-17
Birthday : 1998-07-09
Age : 26

Character sheet
.:Pip's home for District friends:. Left_bar_bleue135/150.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty_bar_bleue  (135/150)
Character Name:: Sebastian Sommer
Alliance:: Anti-Careers

.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 8:13 pm

~Stella Ruby Archer~
Was made to replace Dove, and is new!
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.:Pip's home for District friends:. Empty
PostSubject: Re: .:Pip's home for District friends:.   .:Pip's home for District friends:. Icon_minitime

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