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 small bump - dennie + alex

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small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty
PostSubject: small bump - dennie + alex   small bump  -  dennie + alex Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2015 11:50 pm

small bump  -  dennie + alex PwQlCCb

small bump  -  dennie + alex Tumblr_nesymq9sl41rpjyzyo1_250

Annie awoke to the sound of a creaky door being pushed open, then several crashing noises and a groan, and then a baby crying. She blinked her eyes open and leaped out of bed with a grin on her face. Annie grabbed a robe, pulled it over her camisole and sweat-shorts, and stumbled through the bedroom door, tripping on several small toys as she went. Her face lit up when she saw a familiar figure standing in the front of the house, clutching his foot and wincing. She had no time to greet him, though, as her baby was crying and that would always be her priority. She gently scooped baby Alex up in her arms and rocked him a little until the wailing subsided. Once she'd gotten him safely and quietly in her arms, Annie hurried over to Derald. "Look, Alex, Daddy's back!" she said with a smile, bouncing the baby up and down. She then turned to face Derald herself. "Hi!" Annie kissed him lightly on the lips and stepped back. "Welcome home! We missed you."

sorry powerplayed a bit forgive me <33 or i can edit tbh
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

Female Posts : 1474
Join date : 2012-04-09
Birthday : 1996-06-18
Age : 28

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small bump  -  dennie + alex Left_bar_bleue150/150small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)
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small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: small bump - dennie + alex   small bump  -  dennie + alex Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2015 1:54 pm

small bump  -  dennie + alex BwTEbUx
small bump  -  dennie + alex Tumblr_ni67kbFvvU1sxg2fgo6_400

Derald walked back home after the district long fell asleep. After god knows how long, he finally got back today, and not alone for once. He caught a glimpse of Annie amongst the crowd and.. the baby, but haven't manage to speak to her yet and it seemed like their ritual of a reunion at the train station won't be happening this year. But he definitely wasn't complaining, Dane was home, and alive. He deserve at least a lil' celebration. Derald was held up in the day sorting out some things with the peacekeepers and Mayor and blah blah, things he more or less forgotten already. He and Dane probably got a bigger lecture for the victor tour and such but give the boy a break, or them both. By the time he got out of their grasp, it was late, but he knew he missed something important to perhaps him only. He picked out flowers and paid respect to and reunite a dear friend, he missed the anniversary, but better late then never right? Derald talked to the air for quite awhile before heading back home.

He past the sleeping animals and family, perhaps greeting them tomorrow might be a better idea, right now, sleep sounded amazing. Not turning on any lights, Derald confidently walked into the house, not long before feeling his toe stub into something hard, knocking down what sounded like a lot of things as he winced. His hopes of coming in silently was dashed when he heard a baby cry out, their baby, that still brought up a grin he couldn't hide. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he kept what seemed to be toys aside, clearing a path for him and before he could take another step, he was greeted by a voice he hasn't heard in forever. He pulled her in tighter, as much as having a baby in between them could and gave her a proper kiss before resting his forehead on hers, "Hey there. I've missed ya more." When she stepped away he got to see Alex properly for the first time and he spent a few moments just staring at him drifting in and out of sleep. Derald ran his fingers through his hair and let out a laugh of almost disbelief before bringing his eyes back to Annie, "I'm sorry, I shoulda been there.. The Capitol is just an ass-" he stopped himself from cursing and shook his head, chuckling and changing the subject to her, "How are ya? Should ya even be up? Do ya need anythin'? C'mon you should be back in bed." His hand touched her arm, leading them back towards the bedroom as his lowered voice bombarded her with concern.

#eyyyyhelluuuu #Ihopethisisokay #nocursingDerry #Iwasreallylookingforwardtoareunion8'D #youcaneditifyalike! #alsopitchisoverwoo #butthere'sasecondroundonThursdayohgod #alsoIrealiseDerryjustpasthis21stbirthday #popschampagne
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Queen of the Wolves

Female Posts : 1549
Join date : 2011-06-05
Birthday : 1996-02-26
Age : 28

Character sheet
small bump  -  dennie + alex Left_bar_bleue1/1small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)
Character Name:: Mysterious Cow
Alliance:: Mystery

small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: small bump - dennie + alex   small bump  -  dennie + alex Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2015 5:17 pm

Baby Alex had woken to strange sounds that were too loud for his little baby ears. His instinctive reaction was to cry, and he did so, and soon there was warmth and a familiar voice and he couldn't help but close his mouth as his mother spoke to him. He looked at her with a curious expression, almost as if he was trying to figure out exactly what she meant.
Alex felt himself being turned away from his mother's gaze, and a new face could be seen, one that seemed to comprehend Alex as much as he the stranger. What was so important about this person, Alex could only wonder, but something caught his eye, and the child reached for it. A few blond hairs had fallen across the stranger's face, and the color was something strange to Alex, so he wanted to play with it. But then the boys eyes grew tired, and his little hand fell back to his mother's arm, and he was half asleep before voices woke him up again. But this time, he didn't cry; rather, he looked up at the two and wondered what on earth was going on.

#ooc:#poofin' in #do with Alex what you want # I just wanna be in a Dennie topic #goshdarnit
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small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: small bump - dennie + alex   small bump  -  dennie + alex Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2015 9:47 am

small bump  -  dennie + alex PwQlCCb

small bump  -  dennie + alex Tumblr_net25zY01U1qaw4l0o4_250

Annie laughed. She was too giddy over Derald's return and baby hormones to think straight, but she was fine with that. Thinking straight was overrated anyway, unless you were in the middle of some crisis. She'd rather be happy than serious any day. Annie held Alex up to Derald's face. "Look! He looks like you. Just a few days old, so don't worry, you didn't miss much, and Tess has been a huge help. I should bake her some thank-you cookies, actually." Annie hadn't had much time for baking with a baby to look after. "Oh, don't worry about a little cursin'. He doesn't know what it means - he can't even talk yet and won't be able to for a while - and he's too young to remember." She transferred the baby weight to her other arm and tapped Alex's nose lightly with her finger. "Yes you are. Yes you are! Silly, little, little, itty bitty baby." she cooed. She turned back to Derald with an amused but resilient expression and tugged against the leading direction of his arm. "You're very sweet, but I've been sitting in bed for nine months straight. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but that last month or so was definitely too uneventful." She shook her head. "And look at you, Mentor of the year! Didn't Dane win? Good thing, too, I don't know who else we would have made godfather. I do not trust my brothers with babies." She kissed Alex on the forehead and held him up a bit. "Here, you wanna hold him?"

ahhh super fast post because i shouldnt be posting
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

Female Posts : 1474
Join date : 2012-04-09
Birthday : 1996-06-18
Age : 28

Character sheet
small bump  -  dennie + alex Left_bar_bleue150/150small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)
Character Name::

small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: small bump - dennie + alex   small bump  -  dennie + alex Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2015 1:59 pm

small bump  -  dennie + alex BwTEbUx
small bump  -  dennie + alex Tumblr_mp2r57919x1r032zxo3_250

Derald stared at the small face and laughed, "I think he looks more like his Ma, don't ya, Alex? Hmm, I guess the baking thing wasn't just a faze, huh?" He remembered the letters regarding all that baking and he didn't think she'd be bored to death with the pregnancy. "Hey, you'd be surprised, these little things learn fast," Derald shrugged as he turned to close and lock the door, plopping his hat down on a chair, this time moving around the dark more cautiously. He smiled as he watched her coddle Alex, and god did he miss her. "But definitely ain't no Husband of the year. I just.. Who even does this? I should be there with ya, everyday. I'm probably nine months late rather than a couple of days. And when the letters stopped coming well, I was worried okay.." He rubbed the back of his neck, mumbling embarrassingly. He wouldn't know but those months couldn't be as easy as she written them to be, things like this change people, and he just wished he was there throughout. "Dane? Godfather?" He scoffed at the thought of Dane even being remotely close to a baby. But then again he never thought he himself would. He glanced down to Alex who was staring up at them confused when Annie asked, looking so small, and so... fragile. The rush of panic flooded back and he shook his head before grinning nervously, "Nah, maybe tomorrow.." It's like his past fear clawing it's way back up. He grit his teeth and pulled a hand up, cautiously stroking Alex's hair, almost not touching at all. But it was still slightly comforting, seeing Alex cuddled up in his mother's arms. "If you're not sleepin', I reckon' at least Alex needs it. It's like, what, two in the mornin'? C'mon, we can catch up on the past few months back in bed," He gently pulled at her sleeve, bringing back the debate on going back to bed and shuffled heavily. He would think that he's still a night person, but the past few months really wrecked him and his bioclock.
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Queen of the Wolves

Female Posts : 1549
Join date : 2011-06-05
Birthday : 1996-02-26
Age : 28

Character sheet
small bump  -  dennie + alex Left_bar_bleue1/1small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty_bar_bleue  (1/1)
Character Name:: Mysterious Cow
Alliance:: Mystery

small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: small bump - dennie + alex   small bump  -  dennie + alex Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2015 4:33 pm

Just before Derald closed the door, a warm breeze fluttered in, almost unnoticeable to the two adults

Alex squinted as his mother poked his nose, trying to see where the finger went, but then there were two fingers, or so it seemed, so he blinked and then there was just one. Then the stranger's face was closer, and the baby tried to reach for one of those strands of hair that had fallen again, but something in the stranger's face made the baby stop, looking puzzled. The stranger's mouth was making a funny shape, one Alex had never seen before.
The stranger's hand went to stroke the baby's head, and Alex looked up at the hand with awe. His little baby fingers wrapped around the stranger's thumb, while Alex's other hand again reached for the stranger's face, which was actually much closer than ever before. The baby let out a short, quite whine as the stranger started to pull away; Alex was determined to play with that hair.
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small bump  -  dennie + alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: small bump - dennie + alex   small bump  -  dennie + alex Icon_minitime

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