Well, it's that time of year again, Sori. And on behalf of all of us here on THG, I'd like to wish yooouuuuu....
This year, I thought we would celebrate your birthday by doing something special. I think what I have chosen for that is appropriate.
HAPPY WALRUS BIRTHDAY!!!WE SHALL CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY IN WALRUSES!!!And you should have some cake, because cake is yummy...
And why don't we throw in a fabulous birthday hat as well?
Because we love and appreciate you very much...
And we know you deserve it.
In addition...
Wait, that's not a walrus! Imposter! Hmph. Oh well, it's still a pretty adorable puppy. Also this doesn't really fit with a caption but I just have to include this:
And this:
Because walruses are really fricking cute.
But it's not all about walruses today. It's about you. So let's give this walrus bit one last hurrah...
- sorry, large image:
And focus on what's really important. Not that walruses aren't important. They're very important. But the most important person today...
YOU!!!!Why? Because it's your birthday, and you're awesome, that's why. So here's something that you might feel like you have a little more in common with...
UNICORNS! Now if only I could find a picture of a unicorn walrus. That would be wonderful. However, as they are, unicorns already start with the "you" sound, and you are the best (and only) unicorn wrangler/tamer this side of Saturn, so I thought they might have a place in this post.
Do you hear that? It's a choir of a thousand million billion unicorns, walruses, and everything in between and all around, singing you a happy birthday from all of us!
Unsurprisingly, it's a lot easier to find unicorn happy birthday pictures than it is to find ones with walruses.
But there's still one thing every party needs...
MORE CAKE!!! Because cake is yummylicious and the unicorns would feel left out if they didn't get to have unicorn cake too, and you were only getting walrus cake.
Let's have some more pictures of unicorns for your viewing pleasure.
That's a llamacorn, but we took a puprus, so I think it'll have to do.
Awee. <3 Melts my heart.
We know you get birthday wishes, but we have some of our own...
May your life be full of happiness and laughter (and rainbows, and cake) ...
And may people always treat you with love and kindness.
Because you deserve it. You also deserve THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!! So go on out and celebrate it, gurl!!!
- large image again[[img:c880: