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 Losing Mental Faith

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Leopard Master

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Age : 23

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2013 1:02 pm

"Sparky! Don't attack the dragon back, it'll just make him even more upset at you." I say and look at my final two weapons. I had a dagger and a knife, two very small weapons compared to swords and a bow. "Astrid, now you're just playing, go all out. Go crazy! Go wild!" I say and take the dagger and stab her with it. It was getting a bit too boring with her missing several times."I'll probably be routing for my allies or the person that killed me, so go Astrid!" I say to her, feeling the pain in my arm still. I rub it and look at Frank. "If I die, or when I do, make sure nobody touches my body." I tell him and get quiet, it was my time. Death did not scare me as much as others because everybody had someone to live for. Thaila had her husband, and many people are probably in a similar situation. But like some other people, we have lost family members, therefore, we don't have anyone to live for. I sigh and look at the ground. Would I go to hell or heaven? I'm guessing since I tried to kill people, hell. But what did I know, we are forced to do it.

(I'm going to try my best to get on while I'm on vacation, but if I'm inactive, I get killed. But that was already known for inactivity you die. I'm guessing that Astrid Splints will get the kill but who knows.)

If Edits affect dicemaster, it was a miss

Last edited by Beetee on Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Computer Account
The Computer Account

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Character Name:: Dicemaster
Alliance:: None

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2013 1:02 pm

The member 'Beetee' has done the following action : ROLL

'Attack(Other)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Missm
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Retired Admin

Female Posts : 4072
Join date : 2012-03-02
Birthday : 1997-11-02
Age : 26

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2013 5:22 pm

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_m30mnax0jq1r5ruse

Astrid heard them all talking to her, well by all just the district three boy. He wouldn't leave her alone and he wouldn't shut up. "Do you bitches have a problem?" She asked, she hated the fact that people could still keep talking to you when you didn't care no longer. She was getting frustrated again she would note that and the fact that she was getting sloppy with her attacks was horrible. Astrid took a deep breath knowing that his attacks were being sloppy too. She just wanted these games to be over and she wanted to be back home with Rafe, she wanted to leave before she'd get too damaged or better yet killed, but she believed in her ability to win these games, she was in the final five already soon to be the final four, and after that, she knew who ever was left from Anders and Frank, it'd be easier to kill, she remembered sending Caelus over to the district twelve boy, maybe she was the only reason that he was alive right now, she felt bad for Anders and his stomach and she hoped that Caelus had done a good enough job. Astrid then focused on her target again and she used her corking motion again going after Tripp.

Sorella carried out 1 launched of one Attack(2) :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Arrow-17
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

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Birthday : 1914-06-18
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PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 1:28 am

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_m2mpjkjqmc1r5etqgo1_500
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Anders10
---District 2---Male---18---

Anders tilted his head to the side a little and smirked a little as Frank said his piece and tried to intimidate him. "Awe, aren't you just adorable trying to be intimidating. I could just pinch those cheeks." He then lifted the spear up and pushed the sword that was lying on top of it away. He then took the moment of distraction this may have caused and jabbed the blunt end of the spear shaft towards Frank. He then finished it off by swinging the bladed end towards the District 12 boy in an arc aiming directly for his head. He jumped back after his attack and took a defensive, yet somewhat relaxed position waiting for Frank's next attack towards him. He looked up to Baby Doll and of course decided to give her a few words of praise as well, for a pretty pink dragon she sure could hold her own in a fight. "You keep doing what you do best Baby Doll!" He called up but not really sure if she could hear him from where she was or amidst all the sounds of fighting. Anders then looked back to Frank and grinned a little as he cracked his neck and gripped the shaft of the spear waiting for his opponent's next move.

Ariiyoko carried out 1 launched of one Attack(2) :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Arrow-17
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God of Sarcasm
God of Sarcasm

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Birthday : 1995-12-11
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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 1:40 am

Frank Orion

Frank faced his opponent, glancing at his bloody, now gut covered sword. "If I was only trying to be intimidating, you wouldn't be the one who had his guts dripping out a few minutes ago" he said coldly. He reached his sword in to block Anders' attack and then swung it at him. He didn't have a specific area in mind this time, just a hit would be good. He figured Tripp was going to die very soon. That'd leave some problems if he didn't kill Anders or at least cripple him soon, with Astrid being here. He gripped his shield tighter, preparing for a rough ride.

Last edited by Gazimu on Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Computer Account
The Computer Account

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Character Name:: Dicemaster
Alliance:: None

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 1:40 am

The member 'Gazimu' has done the following action : ROLL

#1 'Block(Other)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Blockedc


#2 'Attack(12)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Missm
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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 10:49 am

The tributes realize that they are now in the final four. Caelus returns to the dragons, where Sparky attacked Baby Doll, and Baby Doll has spread her power to both Thanatos and Sparky, but it's not powerful enough to make them attack eachother now that it's spread out. It is enough to keep them from attacking Baby Doll and Caelus, however, so the dragons just sort of sit there, glaring from time to time.
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

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Join date : 2012-06-19
Birthday : 1914-06-18
Age : 110

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 1:35 am

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_mciq3aZv5C1rq0ghz
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Anders10
---District 2---Male---18---

The canon boomed throughout the arena and Tripp finally fell dead to the floor. After the last 2 canons it was safe to say that they were in the final 3 now. It could now go down either one of two ways. One, Astrid and Anders just annihilate the District 12 kid and then leave them in the final two where both would have to be faced with the difficult task of trying to kill each other and risk both of them getting hurt. Or two, Anders fighting this battle alone with the possibility of him dying but at least Astrid being safe and living on to fight to the end. Either way it seemed that the only options were to fight alone or fight as a pair. And with the sudden realization on Anders' behalf that he seemed to need someone to protect his first instinct was to get Astrid away from there. It was like in these crazy games Astrid had taken up the role of Sam or something and he didn't know why but he felt the need to protect her...even if that meant dying in order to do so.

Anders looked up at Frank stoically then his eyes darted over to Astrid as he moved his head ever so slightly towards her but still keeping an eye on Frank and what he was doing. He didn't want to be caught off guard when he was talking or anything. "Get out of here Astrid. Now." The tone of his voice matched his face, emotionless and stoic as he demanded for her to leave. He had made his choice and she was going to have to leave while the getting was good. Maybe it was suicide and maybe it was stupid but there was two ways this could turn out and he would be fine with each. "This is my fight. It always has been." He looked over to Astrid and nodded reassuringly and tried his best to smirk playfully like he normally did, but he still felt it was forced and she would be able to tell so he just gave up. Her face gave away her emotions in that moment, both upset and confused but he had no time to explain to her about the way he felt. How he considered her like a sister in this arena and both a confidant and partner in a sense. After that day back in District 2 he knew they shared a trust and it was this reason alone that made him do this now.

Anders looked over to his district partner and pulled her closer to him as his hands touched against the sides of her face. His lips pressed against her forehead and he lingered there for a moment as he closed his eyes and let everything he was doing sink in. This was it, this may very well be the last time Anders will see Astrid again though he wasn't going to admit that. Not in a million years would he ever say that he might die, even if it was the truth. He pulled away then looked to her as he kept a cool and serious look on his face. "Now get out of here, I'm not going to say it again." He didn't wait to see if Astrid left he just assumed she would listen to his wish and do it, that was all he could ask for now. His attention turned back now to Frank who was clearly in front of him. It seemed like an even fight, they both had skills, both got higher scores and both were tanks compared to the other tributes whose presence had once graced this arena. The showdown of the 33rd Hunger Games was about to truly begin and he was more then happy to be apart of it. This was the title fight, the thing he was sure everyone in the Capitol had been waiting for. was time to give them the show they wanted.

Anders twirled his spear around a few times then spied Tripp's body and noticed the dagger that he had used just a few moments ago. He liked the look of that weapon compared to the small throwing knife he now had in his possession and ran over to the now lifeless corpse just hanging out by them. He threw the throwing knife away off the cliff then scooped up the dagger and holstered it. It would prove useful in a close combat type situation but for now he would use his spear. He ran full speed ahead with the bladed end out and pointed towards Frank and aimed right for his stomach. He was hoping to try and puncture something inside his gut, hopefully give him some internal injuries and try to cripple his opponent the same way he had done to him. "Just figured I would try and return the favor. I know how pleasant of an experience it was for me." Anders just smirked, it seemed he was back to his old self...or at least his normal, more arsehole self.

Ariiyoko carried out 1 launched of one Specialty :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Y66

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_inline_mh6a9g8x7W1rowln6
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God of Sarcasm
God of Sarcasm

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Birthday : 1995-12-11
Age : 28

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 2:06 am

Frank Orion

Frank stood still as a stone in a fighting stance. Tripp was finally dead, and now Anders seemed to be mulling over a dilemma in his head. He seemed to have come to a decision as he told Astrid to leave. Frank wasn't sure of his strategy here, but it seemed to be protecting her. He couldn't help but admire Anders' selflessness here. He remained still as Anders had his little moment of chivalry with her, he might want to kill them and leave, but he still had retained a sense of decency, he wouldn't attack Anders while he was doing this. Anders now turned back to Frank. "So it's gonna be one of those fights" he said to him, of the serious turn this games had taken. Anders swung at him with some sarcasm, trying to lighten the mood, but Frank would have none of it. "Time to go out like Men Anders." he said, slashing at him with his sword.
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The Computer Account
The Computer Account

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Birthday : 2011-03-05
Age : 13

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue250000000000/250000000000Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (250000000000/250000000000)
Character Name:: Dicemaster
Alliance:: None

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 2:06 am

The member 'Gazimu' has done the following action : ROLL

'Attack(12)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 91553834
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Retired Admin

Female Posts : 4072
Join date : 2012-03-02
Birthday : 1997-11-02
Age : 26

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 2:11 am

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_inline_mjg0016Wlf1rnk2ru

It all happened so fast but yet so slow, the cannon went off to sound off a tribute who had died, and they were in the final four, but that last stab at the district three guy and he was down, he fell to the ground, and it felt like time was slowing down, and she could hear the thud of Tripp's body hit the ground and the cannon sound off, she looked over to Frank and Anders. "The final three." She whispered, just barely loud enough for her to hear. She looked back over to Tripp and she could feel her heart race. No she could hear it, thumping and pounding. She realized she had hardly been breathing and she took a breath in closed her eyes momentarily. She sighed softly and pulled her sword out of Tripp and she wiped it on the grass.

That was when she heard Anders, and she looked over to him while still watching Frank. She wasn't sure what he was going to say, but she knew if she stayed here and fought with him, they had a chance of going to the finale together, to the end to fight. She knew if it meant going home to Rafe she'd kill him, but she'd be left haunted for the rest of her life of what she would do to him if she did kill him. "Get out of here Astrid. Now." he told her and he said it with no emotion, Astrid was confused and unsure at this moment and none of it would sink in. "This is my fight. It always has been." Astrid saw him smirk and she gave one back but no effort into it. She had it mostly sink in by now and she grew upset over how this was going to be, because she didn't like the thought of him dying, he was the only person she trusted in the arena, and fighting along side with him, made him feel like an older sibling like if it were Astoria she had with her. It saddened her deeply.

That was when he had grabbed her face into his hands and he had pressed his lips against her forehead, and that was when a few tears trickled down her cheeks, and before he could pull away completely her arms wrapped around him in a hug, and she held him for a few moments, and didn't want to think of whether this would be the last time she saw him, although that day was coming soon, she had to get back to district two. She sighed and she wiped them away. That's when he told her to get out of there for a final time and she nodded and that was when she turned on her heel and whistled for Caelus.

Astrid eventually had her dragon come by and she mounted onto her. It was easier to fly her dragon and that way she would have more energy saved up. She pet her dragon to soothe her and then she looked at the two again, and she knew sooner or later she'd have to face one of them, and who ever that was, she wasn't going down without a fight, and she was going to kill them to get home. Her home was all that had been keeping her motivated. Astrid then without a word left from the battle scene, Anders was going to be fine, was all she could hope for.

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_inline_mjefl0TUco1rf2ot5

Astrid has left the area
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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 10:55 am

The dragons stand aside, knowing that this is not their fight.
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

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Birthday : 1914-06-18
Age : 110

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 2:30 pm

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_m4gjjlleFk1qdao8ro1_500
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Anders10
---District 2---Male---18---

From out of the corner of his eye Anders could see both Baby Doll and Frank's dragon stand down from their fight. Even for a dragon she seemed to have an expressive face and you could tell she was not liking this idea, not one bit. Hell, Anders really didn't like his idea all that much either, but this was his choice. He dug the grave and he would have to lay in it...eventually. "What could possibly go wrong?" Anders threw his spear up to try and push the sword away that was now coming towards him and then quickly brought his right hand down and away from the shaft of the spear and grabbed the handle of the dagger. He quickly pulled it out and then swiped towards Frank aiming for the large figure that now stood in front of him. After Anders' attack he shifted the weight on his feet a little and shuffled backwards so that there would be some distance between him and Frank as he waited for his next attack.

It seemed that Frank was not one to like Anders' jokes, but that wouldn't stop him from making them. It was in Anders' nature after all and while most of the time he could be serious and down to business he still seemed to keep a snarky attitude when it came down to a fight. Frank tried to break down the sarcastic comment he had made but even the now serious expression on his opponent's face didn't stop him from straightening up and doing exactly what he had come to do multiple times already. Anders' lips puckered a little as if he was thinking then smirked as his back straightened and he shrugged. "Oh come on Frank. Don't be such a party pooper. Besides you know you like my jokes." Anders winked playfully at the serious boy from District 12 then continued speaking. "Besides, its part of my charm. I am pretty adorable because of it." Of course more sarcasm, but what more could you expect from Anders Yorke. If he was going out, he was going to go out his way. And that meant a good sarcastic joke or two before the fall.

Ariiyoko carried out 1 launched of one Block(Other) :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Ineffective
Ariiyoko carried out 1 launched of one Attack(2) :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Arrow-18

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_m9w5kg7NLJ1rq9ghh
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God of Sarcasm
God of Sarcasm

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Birthday : 1995-12-11
Age : 28

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 4:14 pm

Frank Orion

Frank ignored the jests from Anders as he lifted his shield to catch his dagger attack. Anders backed away to spout out another one liner, and Frank shook his head, "Yea, you'll look pretty adorable when they open your crate back home, I'm sure" he said. Frank charged at Anders and stabbed at him with his sword. Obviously, Anders was trying to hide his inner thoughts with his old personality, but Frank knew better than to believe in the jokes. He could tell what Anders had been reduced to these games. If he was still himself he wouldn't have told Astrid to leave. He'd want her to help and get hurt fighting so that she'd be easier to take down.
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The Computer Account
The Computer Account

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Character Name:: Dicemaster
Alliance:: None

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 4:14 pm

The member 'Gazimu' has done the following action : ROLL

#1 'Block(Other)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Ineffective


#2 'Attack(12)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Missm
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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 12:26 am

Baby Doll, with Caelus and Sparky gone, finds it easy enough to control Thanatos again, so he does not attack her.
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

Female Posts : 2356
Join date : 2012-06-19
Birthday : 1914-06-18
Age : 110

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 1:26 am

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 BOD6Xao
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Anders10
---District 2---Male---18---

Anders raised his eyebrows as Frank responded with some remark about him going home in a crate, presumably dead in his casket. It was something he expected to hear, but he kind of hoped it would have been said with a little more flair or something. But he guessed that just bluntly saying it worked for Frank or whatever. Still didn't stop him from being a little disappointed that that was the only thing he could come up with. "Wow. 'You'll look adorable in your crate,' huh?" Anders mimicked his tone of voice as he quickly paraphrased what Frank had said. "I guess I overestimated your conversation skills there Frank. I had kind of hoped there would be more witty remarks and few jokes here and there. You know, make whatever is left of your short existence more comical for me....and I guess you too." Anders slashed towards Frank and kept his guard up for the attack that he knew was going to come right after this. This was a one on one fight after all, it was pretty predictable in the end. A slash here, a block there and then another slash right after; nothing crazy out of the ordinary in this fight. Just two guys battling it out until one remained. And Anders was determined to make sure it was him, for Sammy.

Ariiyoko carried out 1 launched of one Attack(2) :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Arrow-18
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God of Sarcasm
God of Sarcasm

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Join date : 2011-02-09
Birthday : 1995-12-11
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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 12:33 am

Frank Orion

Frank let a momentary smirk cross his face, amused that Anders was going to try and turn this the other way on him. He raised his shield into place to block the incoming spear and then swiped at Anders with his sword, not wasting any time to reply to him yet. He wondered what had convinced the Dragons to stop fighting. Did they sense the end of the games coming, with only three tributes remaining?
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The Computer Account
The Computer Account

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Character Name:: Dicemaster
Alliance:: None

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 12:33 am

The member 'Gazimu' has done the following action : ROLL

#1 'Block(Other)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Blockedc


#2 'Attack(12)' :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 86227283
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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 1:12 am

The sky rumbles slightly with thunder.
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

Female Posts : 2356
Join date : 2012-06-19
Birthday : 1914-06-18
Age : 110

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Character Name::

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 2:24 am

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Dean+Winchester+pudding
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Anders10
---District 2---Male---18---

The sky started to rumble slightly as the thunder began to roll just as Anders brought his spear up to block the incoming attack from Frank and pushed the sword back away from him. Then immediately swung the spear forwards and towards Frank's body in an attempt to hit him with his weapon. He backed away and put himself into a defensive position and waited for the next attack, but of course not without throwing in a few words of his own. "Why so serious? Aren't we trying to give them a good show?" He motioned his head upwards as if to signify the audience of Panem who he knew would be watching right now, whether for entertainment or because they were being forced to. "Give them a show right?" He dropped his pants and took them off and lifted his arms up in the air. He shrugged slightly and just smirked then pointed to Frank waiting for his next move. I mean, you only live once right?

Ariiyoko carried out 1 launched of one Block(Other) :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Blockedc
Ariiyoko carried out 1 launched of one Attack(2) :
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Arrow-15

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_m8o9qaBMKZ1r7cto3o1_400

((idk, I know its random I really do. I had nothing better to write xD))
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God of Sarcasm
God of Sarcasm

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Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 7:05 pm

Frank Orion

Frank jumped out of the way of the spear. For some reason, Anders now saw fit to take his pants off. "Well, I guess we know you've lost it now" he said. At least he hadn't gone the full mile with it, otherwise Frank might have gotten to idea to cut a certain something off. He swung at Anders with his sword, and then began circling slowly. "For some reason I think they'd find a serious fight more climactic at this point than witty banter" he replied to Anders' question.
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The Computer Account
The Computer Account

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Character Name:: Dicemaster
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PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 7:05 pm

The member 'Gazimu' has done the following action : ROLL

'Attack(12)' :
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PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 27, 2013 9:42 pm

Frank seems to be doing rather well, but the Gamemakers are enjoying Anders' antics and Baby Doll suddenly finds herself nearly able to communicate telepathically with Caelus- she can tell how Caelus is feeling, anyway, and transmit her own feelings to her.
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

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PostSubject: Re: Losing Mental Faith   Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2013 2:47 am

Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Tumblr_m9p8eoAaI61r988i9
Losing Mental Faith - Page 3 Anders10
---District 2---Male---18---

As Frank moved to block his spear and wound up for his next attack it was like everything moved in slow motion for Anders. He thought to himself, it seemed everywhere else in the arena was quiet and it seemed like any activity was surrounding these two heavyweights. That was good in one sense for him, that meant that anything he did distracted the Gamemakers from sending something towards Astrid. Now all he had to do was take care of Frank. And if he wasn't going to kill Frank he was sure as hell going to cripple him as best he could. At least if Astrid won and he died then Sammy would get extra rations that year. He would get something at least no matter what if he could take out Frank. Even if he died in the final 2 and Astrid won, Sammy would get something in the end. And that was all he could ask for now, he knew there was only a few options left and at least if he had to die it was going to be to help the other District 2 tribute win. There was going to be no extra rations for District 12 this year, over his dead body there would be.

Frank circled around him and spoke once more about making things more serious. Anders just shrugged and gripped his spear between his two hands. " want serious? You got it. Baby Doll, be ready to get me back up here." He winked at the dragon, hoping she knew what he meant then rushed forwards as Frank circled towards an area where he was more open to the cliff edge and wrapped his arms around him. Anders just hoped to push Frank down that cliff edge, he felt the sword hit against his body but he didn't care, he just wanted his momentum to be enough to knock Frank over and topple both of them downwards. He wasn't sure how long of a drop this was or if there was even a drop at all, but from what he could tell there seemed to be a drop off and he hoped his instincts were correct in this assumption he made. Anders knew this would probably injure him to, but if he was able to keep himself in that same position he would land against Frank and maybe break something or dislocate a joint. Something, anything to make him susceptible to Astrid's attacks. Why am I doing this? Why am I helping her more then I am helping myself? He guessed it was because in the end he knew deep down he was never going to go home. Or maybe it was something more that he didn't understand. Either way he was now hoping and praying that he would be tumbling down that cliff, something that no rational person would be praying for. Guess these games really had changed Anders even if he told himself he would never, ever change from how he was.

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