I had been stuck here in district ten while Brandon had been away. It had been nearly two days by now and the tributes weren't in the capitol yet. I had already managed to to talk to him a bit each night he had left, surprisingly I found myself at his mother's house a few times to send time with her, she may have not liked but she liked any company right now. Now it was late at night and it was dark and raining, just like the night I got together with Brandon. I plopped down in the middled of the field, right where Aurie, Brandon, and I would hang out. I sat there and I cried and soon it became sobs, I didn't want to be around people when I did this because the harsh reality was, Brandon probably wasn't coming home, not at all. I wanted to talk to him tonight but right now I couldn't I just couldn't, I was too upset and it was nearly impossible to talk. I just continued to have the rain pour down on me as I cried.