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 take me to hell please

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The Dog Whisperer

Posts : 810
Join date : 2013-06-19
Birthday : 2001-09-22
Age : 22

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PostSubject: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 11:12 pm

take me to hell please 0k7Nc02
what she thinks
what she says
what she does

Sondra heard the door open, thinking it was her parents worried about the crash of the window she took a shallow sigh and said "I'm fine, it's.." Pausing for a second, Sondra asked herself if she should say the truth or just pass it off as 'nothing'. "It's nothing, I'm fine. The young girl spat out, leaving a hint of disgust in her voice. But, instead of her parents asking if she were sure.. She heard her devil calling for more torture, rolling her eyes as he talked she heard him mention art. She suddenly perked up, obviously she was done with annoyance for the day and just put everything aside to relax for the rest of the day... But, she didn't get that. She got one more visit from the devil inside her life asking for her to critique his artwork.

Cocking her head in confusion, she turned towards him and decided she might as well help. In all honesty, Sondra had probably done it because she had nothing else to do.
"Might as well, The female mumbled, as she stood up from her chair a bit too suddenly causing the chair to make a large screeching sound making her jump. Giggling, she started towards the door, and squealed out a perky "Come on, Micah!" as she took his hand and dragged him out. In a way, she felt as if he was David for a little while. Why? Because she never had that tone of voice with anyone besides David. Micah knew that, too. She skipped on over to his room and started looking around for any sign of artwork, Sondra looked all over the place.

Picking up a piece of dirty underwear she made a funny face and tossed it on the ground,
Okay... Ew, that was nasty. The Pre-Teen girl thought to herself as she had tossed it, she felt disgusted now. As if her hand was infected, or covered in mud. In her mind, she started freaking out because she just touched his underwear. Nasty, right? That's what I thought, anyways.. After what seemed five minutes of searching she found nothing. "I don't see any art, Micah. What am I supposed to Critique with my amazing eye for art? Sondra pouted, crossing her arms and making a face that a little kid would make. Where was the art that he wanted to show her?

Last edited by Trist on Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Leopard Master

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Join date : 2013-06-28
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Age : 23

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PostSubject: Re: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeFri Aug 01, 2014 10:28 pm

take me to hell please Newcreate.php?text=Micah%20Switch&name=3dlet

*Clickable*You never cared..

For them..

For your inner-life..

For anything..

You only cared about your outside.. all the hate..*Clickable*

Micah was just started a good book and there was an update on the Hunger Games. His brother was there.. but only for a month. His face appeared on the side of his monitor as 'Fallen'. Jaw dropped, he stared as his body was shown, dead in a well, with a weapon piercing him. He sighed, placing the television set back. He lied.. to me. He said he'd win. And now he's dead.. he lied.. Micah couldn't believe it. David had tried to patch up his friendship with his brother, and it worked.. at least until now. Death.. lies.. being worthless to people once again. The Forgotten One once again. The only one not sobbing about David.. again. Micah stared up at his ceiling. He could already hear the sobs of his little sister outside his doorway. She was the most depressed out of this.

He got up, advancing over to the doorway. Micah never really had a comforting talk with Sondra.. ever. He never even really had a full length conversation with her. Micah turned the nob to see his sister, curled up, sobbing. He took a few more steps closer.. but paused. If he tried to say something, it'd come out wrong. It'd sound like he was sad about David's death. But that wasn't true, Micah was mad about it. David broke his one and only promise given to Micah. But, something had to be said, so he spoke up. "Sondra.. I.. I'm sorry. I was just going to get something to eat.." The boy moved his legs around her, going down to the kitchen. Micah grabbed an apple and went back upstairs. There was no use in letting his parents see him not cry, all he'd get was a beating of some sort, mentally or physically. "I'm sorry.. Sondra. For your loss." He walked over her again.. twisting his room's doorknob.
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The Dog Whisperer

Posts : 810
Join date : 2013-06-19
Birthday : 2001-09-22
Age : 22

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take me to hell please Empty
PostSubject: Re: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2014 11:56 am

take me to hell please 0k7Nc02
what she thinks
what she says
what she does
Sondra heard the door open and footsteps tap the floor as the human walked over to the counter to get some food faintly over her sobs, and looked up to see who the person was. It was Micah, he seemed perfectly fine. He never gave a flying fuck about David, even when he was in the games he was just acting to use Loki. The girl thought to herself, glaring at Micah when he said he was sorry. She wanted to wrap her hands around his throat and choke him to death, he didn't mean saying sorry at all. She knew it, he never cared. Just like the capitol, and maybe even Loki. The little girl didn't know, but all she did know was that Micah never cared and never will. She grumbled an 'I don't care' before she heard the words that had pulled her trigger, "I'm sorry for your loss." the words came from his mouth like a gunshot. For a couple seconds, Sondra could keep calm of herself. Though, she was giving him her major death glare. Four minutes later, she dashed over to the nearest knife she could and jumped on top of Micah kamikaze style holding a knife towards his throat. "MY loss, eh? I wonder why, is it because you've never gave a flying fuck in the world or David himself like everyone else? Hmm?" Sondra had growled at the boy that she recently knew as her brother, but if he would of been her brother he would of not said that it was HER loss. It was his too, but he thought that it was hers.. He was wrong, she knew it. Sondra knew that he'd never care or be sorry, that's just how he was. The girl didn't want to deal with Micah anymore, she wished he actually cared but instead he just went back to his stupid video games and schoolwork. Like, who even DOES that when their sibling dies? They must be freaking crazy if they do, which matches Micah. She sat there, with the knife at his throat with a smirk. The kind of smirk that signs that she knew that it would probably be freaking the boy out.
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Leopard Master

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Join date : 2013-06-28
Birthday : 2001-05-04
Age : 23

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PostSubject: Re: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2014 6:51 pm

take me to hell please Newcreate.php?text=Micah%20Switch&name=3dlet

Slam.. Comes from his door as he shuts it. Micah hoped not to hear a response from Sondra, which was what he didn't hear. The boy sat on his bed, trying to find out where he placed his book. Micah never left his books out in the open. They all mean something.. something personal to him. Not that anyone ever came in his room. If one of his family members ever found one, he'd go to a new hiding place. But the problem was that Micah couldn't remember which hiding spot was most recent. The boy checked all his bed, drawers, corners of his room, everything! Besides on the floor.. Micah laughed, picking the book up. It was titled Trapped.. On the back, where the blurb was, it spoke of a boy who never felt just right.. always feeling stuck.. broken.. trapped. Which defined Micah perfectly! He opened the book up.. Chapter One.. My Drawings Have No Campus.. The first four words read 'It was my skin.'. This was intriguing to the boy, but was interrupting by someone barging in to his room..

It wasn't his parents.. but his sister. She was mad. Weight was gained as she gripped his back. Micah stumbled back, landing on his bed. A knife. A knife was what the girl had. He thought Sondra was going to stab at him.. but instead, it was just an inch short of it. MY loss, eh? I wonder why. Is it because you've never given a flying fuck in the world or David himself like everyone else? Hmm? Her voice bursts into his ears like Satan speaking to an Angel.  Micah was pretty shocked, as the knife seemed to get closer and closer every time he stared at it.

"Silly.. silly Sondra. Its neither, really. Its my good 'ol bud revenge. I'm working on it for people at school, mom and dad too. You all need it. You've done something that's hurt me, Sondra. I'm returning the hurt. So put the knife down so I can tell you what you've done exactly." He spoke quietly, not to cause a big commotion in the Switch house. Micah's parents would side with Sondra, no doubt. They always were. David's, too. He continued reading his book in his head, ignoring the fact that the knife was still there. I used to run away.. so nobody would see my wonderful paintings. Paintings where every color was red.. the canvas color was tan.. it was my skin.. or whatever was left after the last time.. I even wrote a poem about it.. It was very ironic on how much it related to him. He read on, there was still the poem on this page..

I knew a boy who liked to draw
He drew pictures that nobody saw
He was more artistic late at night
In the forests, out of sight
He kept a secret no one knew,
He didn't tell soul and his gallery grew
His drawings were different, no paper or pen
But needed a bandage now and again.
We stood by the river under the stars,
He rolled up his sleeves and showed me his scars.
He felt embarrassed and looked down at his shoe,
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The Dog Whisperer

Posts : 810
Join date : 2013-06-19
Birthday : 2001-09-22
Age : 22

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take me to hell please Empty
PostSubject: Re: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2014 10:57 pm


screw you chrome you know what since you're being a bully i aint even tryin

Sondra got up, it may seem strange. But, she got up and off of Micah. She listened at the monotone voice, that sounded oh so familiar. The voice seemed so far away, yet familiar she couldn't even think of it. But, a face showed up in her head as she softened her grip and got distracted. David. That was what the voice sounded like, anger bubbled up inside her again and she threw the knife out the window.. Breaking it, with a large yell of anger. Most people probably knew what was happening, because this wasn't the first time it had happened after David died. She didn't care about what Micah had to say anymore, she just ran out of the room and into hers. Slamming the door, she looked around for her painting tools. Her breathing quickened, as she was looking around for it. The girl found it, and got her equipment set up as she had the image in her head still. The brush dipped in paint, and she was off. In her mind she painted regret, sorrow, and most of all remembrance. Though, time drifted by. It felt like it was that minute you got before the games began, wonder, confusion, and maybe even the lust for blood that was normally maintained by the careers.
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Leopard Master

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Age : 23

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take me to hell please Empty
PostSubject: Re: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2014 3:01 pm

take me to hell please Newcreate.php?text=Micah%20Switch&name=3dlet

Micah flinched as Sondra launched the knife out of the window. She shrieked, which gave even more pain to his ears. She ran out of his room. "You can pay for that." He said aloud, staring back at the shattered window. He knew that Sondra was upset, and it broke the little feeling in his heart. Micah felt like the window was like Sondra, broken into a million pieces. He sighed, flipping the page of his book.

I rolled up my sleeves and said.. "I.."

"Draw too." He gently placed his bookmark onto page two and stood up. Stretching his arms. A deep scar, perhaps the beginning or end, showed through his sweat shirt. Micah wrote on himself weekly, every time he was hurt.. somehow. Each one was for all the people in life he hated. He couldn't even count them all. His left arm remained healthy, while his right had plenty of bumps, redness. Micah, after procrastinating on if he should make sure Sondra was okay or not, walked outside his door and across the hallway. Where his sister, where Sondra was.

Micah didn't waste any time knocking on her door. It would only take five hours to get her to open it. The door squeaked as he peered in. She was standing in front of an aisle, painting. Sondra was always the artist of the Switches. The most creative. The popular one out of the three. It was hard to say that Micah and Sondra were siblings. They were the exact opposites.

"Sondra?" He said quietly, fully in the room. Micah bit his lip, trying not to say anything. What ever he said seemed to peeve her off somehow. No matter what he said. Not even comforting words.. casual words. Nothing he tried worked. Micah tried something new. "I draw too, Sondra, wanna see?" He spoke gently and quietly. Micah wasn't trying to be obnoxious anymore. He wanted to prove to her that he did care.

"Please.. Sondra. I just wanna show you my artwork.. I know I can't learn from you.. but.." Micah said, looking at her good artwork. Hers were perfect, while Micah's.. needed bandages sometimes, if the red he used was too deep. He walked closer. Please..
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The Dog Whisperer

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Join date : 2013-06-19
Birthday : 2001-09-22
Age : 22

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take me to hell please Empty
PostSubject: Re: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2014 9:03 pm

take me to hell please 0k7Nc02
what she thinks
what she says
what she does

Sondra heard the door open, thinking it was her parents worried about the crash of the window she took a shallow sigh and said "I'm fine, it's.." Pausing for a second, Sondra asked herself if she should say the truth or just pass it off as 'nothing'. "It's nothing, I'm fine. The young girl spat out, leaving a hint of disgust in her voice. But, instead of her parents asking if she were sure.. She heard her devil calling for more torture, rolling her eyes as he talked she heard him mention art. She suddenly perked up, obviously she was done with annoyance for the day and just put everything aside to relax for the rest of the day... But, she didn't get that. She got one more visit from the devil inside her life asking for her to critique his artwork.

Cocking her head in confusion, she turned towards him and decided she might as well help. In all honesty, Sondra had probably done it because she had nothing else to do.
"Might as well, The female mumbled, as she stood up from her chair a bit too suddenly causing the chair to make a large screeching sound making her jump. Giggling, she started towards the door, and squealed out a perky "Come on, Micah!" as she took his hand and dragged him out. In a way, she felt as if he was David for a little while. Why? Because she never had that tone of voice with anyone besides David. Micah knew that, too. She skipped on over to his room and started looking around for any sign of artwork, Sondra looked all over the place.

Picking up a piece of dirty underwear she made a funny face and tossed it on the ground,
Okay... Ew, that was nasty. The Pre-Teen girl thought to herself as she had tossed it, she felt disgusted now. As if her hand was infected, or covered in mud. In her mind, she started freaking out because she just touched his underwear. Nasty, right? That's what I thought, anyways.. After what seemed five minutes of searching she found nothing. "I don't see any art, Micah. What am I supposed to Critique with my amazing eye for art? Sondra pouted, crossing her arms and making a face that a little kid would make. Where was the art that he wanted to show her?

Last edited by Trist on Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Leopard Master

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Join date : 2013-06-28
Birthday : 2001-05-04
Age : 23

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take me to hell please Empty
PostSubject: Re: take me to hell please   take me to hell please Icon_minitimeThu Aug 21, 2014 9:18 am

take me to hell please Newcreate.php?text=Micah%20Switch&name=3dlet

The next thing Micah knew, he was being dragged into his room by his sister who hated him just minutes before. But-" He said, but it was too late. She basically trashed his room looking for it. There were underwear on his bed, but they weren't his. He didn't know exactly who they were from. He gently picked them up and threw them out of the hole Sondra recently made through his window. "I don't see any art, Micah. What am I supposed to Critique with my amazing eye for art?" Sondra spoke to him, pretty calmly for a girl who almost stabbed Micah to death only minutes beforehand.

He tugged at his sleeve, biting his lip. Micah wasn't one to tell secrets, especially one like this. Nobody ever guessed why he wore sweatshirts in the mild heart year round, but they sometimes wondered. Do you trust her? Its not good to do this in the beginning, but now the sister you hate can use it against you. What if she steals all your sweatshirts, then your art will go public to anyone who see's you. His conscience made sense, like always. But this was supposed to be something that he could trust someone with, so why not have it be the person who can make you the laughing stock of his neighborhood? (Micah speaks to conscience) I.. I have to. Someone'll find out sooner or later.. and if I tell someone I hate, I know I can trust them if they keep their mouth shut.. But, Micah Switch, your plans socially never work.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially not mother or father." He winced in pain as he began to roll up his sleeve. Micah's arm was decorated with scars. Some seemed old, some seemed brand new. Some still showed blood stains, some of the scars were wearing away. Micah kept his eyes shut, he didn't want to see the look on Sondra's face, whether it was laughing, screaming, or crying. He didn't want to see her reaction. He felt his arm with his hand. Micah wasn't one you socially speak, but his mental ways of showing his feelings showed, if you knew him as much as Sondra did.
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