Name: Willow "Willie" Farreon
Age/brithday: 15 6/7
Gender: Female
Disterict: 10
Family: Heron (Dad, dead), Melencoly (Mom, dead), Benny ( Brother,17, MIA or possibly dead), Percy (brother, 12) and Hittie (sister, 7).
Breif History: My family is a blend of culture. My dad grew up in disterict 4 and my mom in 11. How they got here I don't know. They met here in 10 and made a life and family. They had four kids; Benny, me, Percy and Hittie. Our lives were fairly simple. We learned how to swim, fish and clean seafood with Dad and learned about plants and how to climb trees from Mom. Then one day my parents were tried and killed for "speaking out in rebellion" wiitch was unlike them, but we never questioned it. I took on the role of my mother and Benny became like our father. That was until he was cought doing some illegeal trading. Then he just disappered. We don't know wether or not if he's even alive. So now it's just me, Percy and Hittie. Our house was sold after our parents died so we were taken in under a rich rancher as long as we earned our keep. That meaning we work we get food and shelter, we slack off we may aswell die. So we do work and Percy and Hittie go to school and I pretend to. I spend time trading wether or not it's legeal.
Physical apperance: I'm tall to say the least. I tower over most girls and a few short guys in my disterict. I'm deeply tanned from my work in the sun and my hands are callosed. Some how me and my siblings have red hair even though neither of our parents had red hair. All differant shades and I got the shade of a sunset. My hair goes only to my shoulders and often out of my face. I wear a tank top and shorts on hot days and jeans and long sleeves in winter. My eyes are a brght ocean blue.
Personality: What can I say but; "I'm a rebel." I work hard and have a strong durabilty and stamia. I tend to keep most peaple away from me and the last of my family. I secertly love swimming and playing in the floweres but don't you dare tell anybody. I try my hardest to act both like a mom and a big sister but to be honest, it's tough. I'm strict on some things but not on others. I hope to win the Hunger Games so I can properly care for my family. I hate it when peaple try to ask me questions and I have a short temper.
Flaws: Yeah, I know I have flaws. I'm a harsh to outsiders, I can't act like both a mother and sister all the time and often pleuged with nightmares of losing all of my family. Did I mention that I have a terrible temper.
Pets: No. I will not have pets.
Rich or poor: I'm poor.
Wepan of choice: I have a hidden bow and quiver of arrows.
Talents: I block my harder emotions eaisly, I'm persuasive and did I mention that I have gut feelings that often signal bad things? But it's true. I'm also pretty good with defliction.
Other: I my theme song would be Every one hurts by Avril Lavigne.