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 The Phoenix Nest

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Join date : 2012-03-02
Birthday : 1997-11-02
Age : 26

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2014 7:37 pm

Cliff is accepted!
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Male Posts : 921
Join date : 2013-06-13
Birthday : 1999-09-18
Age : 25

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Character Name:: Leon Holt
Alliance:: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2014 3:41 pm

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   Name: Richard Lenford
   Age/Birthday: 16, December 3rd
   Gender: Male
   District: 4
   Rich or Poor?: Middle class, but slowly becoming poor.
   Weapon Of Choice: Trident
   Physical Appearance: Richard was always pretty much the exact opposite of what his brother Robert looked like. Richard has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and has always looked older than he really is, being 6’ and muscular. Rob on the other hand had always looked much younger than he really was and had brown eyes and hair. Also unlike his brother, Richard seems to smile rarely while Rob would always have a playful smirk.
   Personality: Richard was always the more serious one, pretty much acting like the older brother. However, it got a bit frustrating when Rob would use his age to gain superiority over him, but Rich would always take care of his older brother. Even if Rob always thought it was the other way around, it really wasn’t. Richard now spends his days a bit depressed, always having a pained look in his eyes.
   Flaw: Doesn’t like to get close to anyone after losing his brother to the games
   Talents: Is an excellent fisher like his brother was, is strong, and can climb relatively well
   Family: His mother and father both died at a young age, and his older brother Robert died in the 35th Hunger Games. Richard had his brother cremated and keeps the urn in his room, right next to his bed and keeps a small pouch of the ashes in his pocket when he’s not sleeping or fishing.
   Pets: N/A
   Brief History: When Richard and Rob were young, they were both happy. They would do everything together like watching others fish or fishing themselves. They never entirely knew their parents, seeing as they both died when the boys were young. But that didn’t stop the boys from surviving, looking for scraps and stealing. From the first moment Richard could hold a spear or trident, he went fishing, his older brother following in his footsteps a couple months after. Over time they became excellent fishers, Rob an expert with a spear and Richard a prodigy with trident and net. During this time they would work together a lot and got along great…then they grew up. When Rob was 14 and Richard 13, they began to grow apart. Rob would make friends and hang out with all of them, while Richard would stay inside or fish by himself. Then Richard’s life changed even more.

It was Reaping Day and Richard was standing with his age group while Rob stood with his. All Richard wanted to do was to go out and fish so that he could keep making money for him and his brother while Rob goofed off with a friend or went somewhere with some girl. After the girl name was finally called he sighed as he saw some girl making her way to the stage. Richard didn’t mean to be a jerk or anything, but he didn’t exactly listen to what name was called. Then the it was the boys’ turn…and the name ‘Robert Lenford’ was called. Richard would later go visit his brother before he left, and his brother would tell him a huge lie. “I’ll come back, no matter what. No one will stand in my way…” Rob had said. But Richard could see the sadness in his eyes that made him know his brother had no intentions on coming back.

During the games, he would watch what his brother had become. He turned into some sort of arrogant jerk, not the Rob he had ever known. He knew his brother though, and had known it was just a strategy…a strategy that ended in his own allies killing him. The boy brought shame to District 4, making them look like arrogant jerks like the rest of them. Richard never forgave his brother for that, especially after people would yell at Richard for ‘daring to be related to him’.
   Preferred Angles : Quiet, slightly shy, polite
   Angles this tribute will not do: Arrogant and flirty
   Token: N/A
   Other: FC is Brenton Thwaites

Last edited by Phoenix on Sun May 04, 2014 10:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Queen of the Wolves

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Join date : 2011-06-05
Birthday : 1996-02-26
Age : 28

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Character Name:: Mysterious Cow
Alliance:: Mystery

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2014 9:19 pm

Richard is...


Welcome back to D4!
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Male Posts : 921
Join date : 2013-06-13
Birthday : 1999-09-18
Age : 25

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Character Name:: Leon Holt
Alliance:: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2014 12:01 am

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Name: Parker Reed
Age/Birthday: 19 / September 17
Gender: Male
District: 7
Rich or Poor?: Rich
Weapon Of Choice: Daggers, knives, throwing knives. Any small blade
Physical Appearance: Parker has a relaxed look, with a smile usually on his face. He stands at a height of 6’3 with decent posture. It’s not to the point where it’s imposing, but he also doesn’t have a hunch. It’s right smack in the middle, which is another part of that relaxed manner. Parker likes to wear jackets, whether they’re casual or formal he doesn’t really care. Under that he’ll usually wear a t-shirt but from time to time will wear a collared shirt. Parker always feels more comfortable in jeans, so he chooses to wear those and also wears black sneakers. Like most of his family, he has black hair and brown eyes.
Personality: Parker can be extremely nice to people he barely knows, but if he’s pissed off, he won’t hesitate to beat the crap out someone. For instance, when he was younger he would hear some kids talk down to him or about his family and would then proceed to get into a fistfight with them, right after sharing a joke and laughing with his friends. Some would describe him as bipolar, but he refuses to believe that he’s like that at all. Parker is also very protective about his younger sisters, especially since his younger brother died. Even though it was an illness, he blames himself for not being able to protect him and tries his best to make sure his sisters don’t share the same fate…and somewhat like his father, doesn’t want to see them grow up, slightly contradicting wanting to protect them.
Flaw: When Parker gets angry, he can do some pretty stupid things. Like once he got in a fight with someone twice his size because the guy had made a very small joke about one of his sisters, which resulted in a broken arm for Parker and a black eye.
Talents: Parker is surprisingly dexterous and also has a talent for motivating others as a leader...despite his fits of rage that happen every once in a while.
Family: Brooke Reed, Mother
Harley Reed, Father
Jaime Reed, Younger Brother (Deceased)
Melanie Reed, Younger Sister
Carter Reed, Younger Sister
Pets: N/A
Brief History: Parker always had an…interesting life being the oldest sibling. When he was young, he was given almost everything he wanted. Of course, he didn’t really need much because he was one and didn’t have the mental capacity to actually want specific things, but his parents made him as happy as could be. Then they had his brother, Jaime. Parker was always close to Jaime, even when his sisters were born. They would run around as toddlers, doing random things that little children would do, laughing and generally having a good time. However, when Parker was seven years old something devastating happened. Jaime came down with an illness that left him bedridden for weeks. None of the doctors knew what it was, so they didn’t have a cure for it. Parker would always visit Jaime where he was kept during this time, keeping him company. One day while Parker was there, his mother and father brought him out of the room and told him that the doctors had predicted that Jaime wouldn’t last the night. Parker refused to leave, and would’ve had to been dragged away by his parents so they allowed him to stay with his brother. The young boy didn’t even sleep, too worried about his brother passing. Parker had almost drifted to sleep when he heard the long, dreaded, continuous beep that made his eyes shoot open. He looked to the heartbeat monitor and confirmed what he had feared: His brother had passed. It wasn’t until then that the first tear fell. And it would only be one of many to come.

For a while, Parker became very depressed and wouldn’t talk to anyone. However, his parents decided that he would get over it eventually without any help. But they were only partially right. Parker did start to become out-going over the years and a lot happier and more cheerful, but he also became more sensitive. The death of Jaime really took its toll on Parker, and he became a ticking time bomb. If someone said anything remotely negative about his family, he would fly into a rage and do his best to harm whoever said it. Most people think this is just Parker’s normal personality. But in reality, it was the lack of help given to him when he was going through his depression.
Preferred Angles : Friendly, joyful, humorous
Angles this tribute will not do: Cowardly, arrogant
Token: N/A
Other:  FC is Jim Sturgess

Last edited by Phoenix on Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Super Purple Buddy
Super Purple Buddy

Female Posts : 2356
Join date : 2012-06-19
Birthday : 1914-06-18
Age : 110

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2014 3:39 pm

Parker Reed is Accepted
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Male Posts : 921
Join date : 2013-06-13
Birthday : 1999-09-18
Age : 25

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Character Name:: Leon Holt
Alliance:: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2014 5:46 pm

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Name: Kettle Steele
Age/Birthday: 32
Gender: Male
District: 11
Rich or Poor?: Rich of course
Weapon Of Choice: A Shield and hatchet
Games Won: 22nd
Physical Appearance:  Kettle stands at a height of 4’6, suffering from a form of Dwarfism. Kettle is usually seen wearing a suit, one that he needed specially tailored, and on the occasionally sunny day he would have sunglasses. Despite being thirty two, Kettle looks a few years older from the stress of being a mentor. His hair is a light blonde and he has brown eyes.
Personality:  Kettle had been a jokester as a child, the type of guy who would like to get a laugh out of someone for the attention. However, when he was put into the Games it had changed him. He went from being a care-free teenager to a responsible adult, having planned on making it out of the games, even if he did have a large disadvantage. However, he still managed to hold on to who he was a bit, liking to crack a joke from time to time, despite what he’s been through.
Flaw: He suffers from Dwarfism, thus he isn’t as strong as others and he can’t run nearly as fast.
Talents: He’s very intelligent, he is a good persuader and he could analyze someone quickly and find out a lot about them, based on looks.
Family: Mother died from being sick while Kettle was away and his father is a Peacekeeper in District eleven. Kettle also had a sister who went into the games with him and is now deceased.
Pets: A dog he named after his sister
Brief History: Kettle had a rough life growing up, always getting teased about his height. However, his sister always taught him to embrace their jokes and just go with them, considering he wouldn’t be able to change how he was, and if he accepted that then he wouldn’t be able to be affected by it. After a while, he began to make friends with his new outgoing attitude, especially during middle school. However, in a few years time, all of that would be turned upside down when he was reaped into the games at the age of 16 with his own sister who was 18.
Kettle’s odds weren’t exactly in his favor going into the games, even with his sister being in the Games with him to protect him and with another friend he had made during training from District 7. However, in the bloodbath he managed to get a shield and a hatchet and with the help of his allies, they managed to take down three other tributes before getting out. Kettle’s main strategy was to hide, although he knew the Gamemakers wouldn’t approve of that. He also knew that the three would be underestimated, based on Kettle’s size, so they were low profile targets of the other tributes. However, they bided their time, ambushing one tribute after another until it was them and the rag tag team of careers made up of the male from two, the female from four and a burly male kid from six. The Gamemakers decided to be dramatic for the final fight and had them have a three on three battle. The tribute from seven that Kettle had befriended fell first, but not before maiming the kid from six who would bleed out on the ground only five minutes later. The next to fall was the male from two, and everything was looking good for the Steele siblings until the girl from four took down his sister. This led to Kettle becoming enraged, attacking the tribute from four in a frenzy, but she easily dodged all of his attacks and managed to knock him to the ground. She had gotten on top of him, and was about to thrust her sword into him when he managed to grab the hatchet and buried it in her neck. The girl bled out from the wound, leaving Kettle the victor at the age of 16.

Preferred Angles : Bit of a jokester, a bit serious, intellectual.
Angles this tribute will not do: Cowardly, foolish
Token: A ring given to him by his mother before he left for the games.
Other: His FC is the one and only Peter Dinklage.
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Male Posts : 921
Join date : 2013-06-13
Birthday : 1999-09-18
Age : 25

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Character Name:: Leon Holt
Alliance:: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 9:59 pm

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Name: Marshall Davies
Age/Birthday: 17/September 18th
Gender: Male
District: 6
Rich or Poor?: Rich
Weapon Of Choice: Hammer
Physical Appearance: Marshall has short blonde hair that stops just below his neck with bright blue eyes. He stands at a height of 5'10, but usually wear boots that can just barely get him up to 6'. Other attire of his include a variety of hoodies, other jackets, t-shirts and normally jeans. Other features are that he likes to stand up straight, to make himself slightly taller, and he normally has a frown on his face, though it isn't from sadness normally but instead boredom.
Personality: Marshall may come from a very wealthy family in District 6, but rather than being stuck-up he likes to avoid being viewed as such. This led to Marshall keeping himself away from everyone, making himself more of an outcast than a popular guy, yet he still expects some sort of respect from people without realizing it. For the few friends he does have, he usually likes to joke around with them but normally comes off as serious when meeting someone for the first time. However, he hasn't yet made a friend that has truly broken the serious outer shell that he has.
Flaw: Very paranoid of something bad happening to himself or someone he's close to, which makes him grow apart from most people.
Talents: Fast, smart, and is able to climb relatively well.
Family: Father - Mitchell Davies, 45
Mother - Elizabeth Davies, 43
Pets: N/A
Brief History: Marshall comes from one of the wealthiest families in District 6, his father being the head of a very large enterprise that manufactures vehicles for the Capitol. He also has no siblings, which meant he could be spoiled in a way not many could be, but the only thing he ever asked for was something decent to eat and decent clothes. Not anything extravagant, but something that wouldn't make him look terribly poor either. Nothing really interesting happened in Marshall's life that was ever worth him noting, except for having to watch tribute after tribute die in the games which took a toll on him at a young age, as it did for most people.
Preferred Angles : Mysterious, clever, serious
Angles this tribute will not do: Stuck-up, out going
Other: FC is Bo Burnham
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Male Posts : 921
Join date : 2013-06-13
Birthday : 1999-09-18
Age : 25

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Character Name:: Leon Holt
Alliance:: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2015 9:15 pm

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Name: Carson Taves
Age/Birthday: 20/August 11th
Gender: Male
District: 12
Rich or Poor?: Rich
Weapon Of Choice: Maul
Physical Appearance: Carson, like most of his family, has curly hair. However, unlike most of his family, his hair is a light brown color. He has dark brown eyes and stands at a height of 6'3. His normal clothing consists of a striped hoodie, dark jeans, and grey sneakers with red on the backs of them.
Personality: Carson is a very easy guy to talk to, very calm and collected most of the time and also enjoys intellectual conversations. However, if he's pushed to a certain extent, his calm and collected manner could instantly be replaced with outrage. But this only happens every so often, and he is usually able to keep his emotions in check, and usually does it with a lot of sarcasm.
Flaw: Carson can be very unpredictable when he's pushed over the edge, making him a dangerous person to be around if he gets angry, which has the ability to drive people away.
Talents: Carson is strong, fast, and can be very persuasive when talking to people.
Family: Both parents are now deceased, but they left behind money for Carson and on top of that he lives with his uncle who is the Head Peacekeeper of the district.
Pets: N/A
Brief History: Carson was born to two fairly wealthy people, his father being a high ranking peacekeeper like his uncle. He led a normal life, and didn't normally use his status to get whatever he wanted, but still liked to dress decently. Decently to him, however, was a hoodie and jeans which his mother never approved of, but he never really cared and would drown her out when she would suggest for him to wear fancy clothes. When Carson was fifteen, his father had been executing a man, when someone decided to get brave and tried to take vengeance. It was only one man, but he was quick enough to get a shot off on his father, but he was also killed on the spot. Shortly after his mother found out, she committed suicide, the loss of him too much to bear, which left Carson with the money his parents had left and his uncle where he's been staying for the past few years.  
Preferred Angles : Calm, brave, sarcastic
Angles this tribute will not do: Irrational, controlling
Token: N/A
Other: FC is Richard Madden
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Male Posts : 921
Join date : 2013-06-13
Birthday : 1999-09-18
Age : 25

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Character Name:: Leon Holt
Alliance:: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: The Phoenix Nest   The Phoenix Nest - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 11, 2015 10:12 am

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Name: Christian Holt
Age/Birthday: 18/November 12th
Gender: Male
District: 5
Rich or Poor?: Poor
Weapon Of Choice: Sledgehammer
Physical Appearance: Christian was always told he looked very similar to his brother. He has similar curly black hair and brown eyes, but unlike his brother he has facial hair although usually it's little more than stubble. His normal attire is either a black leather jacket or hoodie with dark jeans, and black boots. He stands at a height of 6'2 with a muscular build. From his time spent inside writing songs, Christian has pale skin, slightly more so than others.
Personality: Christian had always been the more serious of the two brothers, but Leon always managed to find the soft spot in him. Whenever he got mad at school and Leon was nearby, he would beg Christian not to fight so he wouldn't get in trouble or do something else to look out for him. But when Leon left for the Games, he immediately lost all the happiness in his life. He was almost certain he'd never see his brother again, being very pessimistic. He also became depressed, spending a lot of time alone, trying to distract himself from the Games. He couldn't bear to watch them, seeing Leon become horribly changed by the Games. It actually kinda scared him...
Flaw: Christian hates letting people in, but if they somehow get in, he doesn't ever want to let go and will value their happiness over his own.
Talents: Christian can play a wide variety of instruments being very musically talented, he's very smart having spent most of his time inside reading books finding out interesting information while looking for more songs to edit and revise, and he's very dexterous from stealing from shops which he's had to do to support his family along with Leon.
Family: Christina Holt - Mother, 40 Years Old
Alexander Holt - Father, 41 Years Old
Leon Holt - Brother, Deceased, 17 Years Old
Pets: N/A
Brief History: From the moment Christian was born he loved music. When he would cry, the way his parents got him to stop was to play music. His parents even told him that his first word was "piano" but he wasn't entirely sure about that. Although, it wouldn't have surprised him. When he was a toddler, his brother would run around the house like a maniac, but he would be content watching his father play his guitar or playing his little toy piano. As soon as he was old enough he had his father teach him to play the guitar and in the process learned how to read music. After a while he taught himself the piano, playing when his parents weren't around. Eventually, whenever he found another instrument, he would save up enough money to buy it and learned it within a week. By the time he was fifteen, his room was filled with instruments, some of which he barely used.

When he was thirteen, Christian found an old song that he thought sounded pretty good. After some editing and revising, he showed his brother who quickly learned how to sing it. Now, Christian was a pretty good singer himself, but singing was the main thing Leon had. And he was much better at moving a crowd than Christian, so he let Leon have the spotlight. The song Christian had found would be the first and last song Leon would ever sing for a crowd: "Young Volcanoes". After he taught Leon the guitar, Christian usually had him go out to make money while he stayed inside working on songs, or sometimes just reading. However, Leon managed to convince him to go out and perform with him as Christian was the better guitar player. Even though playing music only supported them a little bit, they still loved doing it and only resorted to stealing when it was absolutely necessary. Their parents both had jobs, but they didn't get paid nearly enough either.

Christian and Leon had gotten extremely close, and both were close to being out of eligibility for the Games. But, of course, that had to come to an end. Christian and Leon had gone to the Justice Building on Reaping day together, just like they always did. All Christian really wanted was to go home and write songs, but what came crushed him. He heard the female name, not really having enough time to figure out who it was, but when he heard the male name he swore his heart stopped for a second. He looked to his brother who stood there, smiling. Nothing ever brought his spirit down...

Christian went to say goodbye to Leon with the rest of his family. But his mother and father left early so Christian could be alone with Leon for a bit. He almost cried as he wrapped his arms around his brother tightly, whispering, "Come back...don't you dare not come back." He couldn't cry then. He had to be strong for his brother. However, Leon just nodded, smiling and said, "I'll be fine...but...if I'm her that song you're making. It would fit us pretty well." And with that, the two were separated from each other forever.
Preferred Angles : Mysterious, musical, smart
Angles this tribute will not do: Flirty, out-going
Token: A guitar pick with the letters "C" and "H" etched into it
Other: FC is Max Schneider
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