Subject: HTML, GIFs, and Banners Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:53 am
dulcet's HTML\Photoshop Shop
Hi welcome to my shop where I'm going to make you GIFs and html codes of all sorts and banners and mainly stuff. Kinda like that shady guy\gal that's the epitone of any kind of association you get in books to the black market because I AM NO- I'm just trying to write something lalalalala. Read the damn rules.
the rules.
As much as I'd love to go by without rules, I can't. So here are the rules.
● always abide to the rules of this forum ● please keep my credits on ● if you want to use one of my shared layouts or graphics, PM me the link where you're using it. ● I'd really love you if you helped me by telling me if someone has removed my claim ● even if you have edited a certain code\graphic, it's still my code, and I still want my claim on the layout\graphic. ● I beg of you that you don't go around claiming that you did the coding or the photoshopping. ● using these layouts on other sites are allowed, but I hope you don't pretend that you've made it, thinking that I won't find it. I may be on that site, you know.
the examples.
Note: All the backgrounds of the nametags are transparent unless requested otherwise.
❥ first m. last
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vestibulum augue id velit semper et gravida est placerat. Sed tincidunt ultricies facilisis. Praesent rhoncus pulvinar faucibus. Phasellus eget nisl leo, sed dictum sapien. Quisque ut massa augue, adipiscing congue justo. Etiam vel purus nec nisl viverra bibendum. Nullam eu purus vel lectus gravida vehicula. Nulla sit amet metus sapien. Nullam adipiscing lacus ac lorem tempus venenatis. Mauris non nisl et lacus facilisis blandit. Integer non mi vel arcu pretium sollicitudin sed quis mauris. Curabitur quis erat lorem, adipiscing molestie libero.
Vestibulum vulputate consequat porttitor. Ut faucibus volutpat nisl sed ultricies. Praesent sit amet dolor ante, vitae semper felis. Nunc in lorem quis enim rutrum volutpat eget sit amet magna. Donec hendrerit, lectus pharetra pretium consequat, nisi massa dictum mauris, sed tempus mauris neque id dui. Sed quis lorem enim, non fringilla erat. Mauris et aliquet est.
Maecenas nibh diam, aliquet lacinia ullamcorper at, egestas in diam. Integer vitae consectetur sapien. Duis vitae libero nec nunc pellentesque convallis. Quisque elit erat, lobortis et dictum a, lacinia et augue. Fusce placerat metus sodales magna bibendum gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam pharetra, risus eget vehicula posuere, erat nisl convallis dui, nec luctus nulla odio sed lorem. Nulla lacinia hendrerit massa, sed interdum odio interdum pulvinar. Duis tristique dolor nec lacus feugiat vitae dignissim neque sollicitudin. Phasellus at magna ultricies felis fermentum semper eu eu diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras vulputate aliquam dolor ac aliquam. Sed odio sem, pretium non consequat eu, sodales ut elit. Integer tempus pellentesque mi eu dignissim. Phasellus pulvinar tempus magna, sed bibendum magna consectetur id. Sed sit amet erat lorem.
In et ipsum nec ante auctor condimentum. Nullam vel nisl vitae metus consectetur auctor id eu dui. Mauris lectus nibh, semper a semper id, commodo at velit. Vestibulum volutpat libero nec ante molestie vitae lacinia metus sodales. Aenean volutpat mattis felis pulvinar euismod. Fusce varius, quam ut porttitor elementum, purus nunc interdum sapien, vel imperdiet mi dolor in sem. Praesent eleifend molestie lacus lacinia interdum. Quisque fermentum odio ac nibh consectetur tempus. Nulla a justo quam. Sed luctus convallis dolor, sed elementum justo pellentesque in. Vestibulum in lorem ullamcorper velit consequat lobortis a non turpis. Nam diam urna, imperdiet id vulputate a, tincidunt quis nunc. Fusce sit amet convallis neque. Ut eros lectus, tincidunt sit amet varius sed, pellentesque a mi. Ut ultricies mollis sapien, sed tincidunt leo aliquam quis.
Nam fermentum adipiscing tellus nec lacinia. Ut porttitor, odio quis scelerisque lacinia, dolor dolor vulputate nibh, eget sagittis risus lectus at nibh. Suspendisse mattis neque at est aliquet vel lobortis sapien sollicitudin. Nulla ullamcorper lectus vitae lectus posuere ac auctor dui pulvinar. Proin volutpat justo in lorem faucibus elementum. Proin consectetur adipiscing magna, in dignissim nulla consequat a. Cras orci libero, suscipit sed congue vitae, rutrum nec mi.
Note: the blank square thing is where the image of the character is supposed to be.
the form.
I will make one layout and you can adjust it by adding your colors and pictures, etc after I have given it to you. Please state the COLORS YOU WANT. You may also find a color palette and link me at .
Here's the form. HTML:
What you're ordering: What colors: Fonts: [if you want particular google fonts, please list them. The less the faster it will load.] Other:
What you're ordering: PSD\Colouring: Black and white, sepia, redish, light, dark, etc. GIF of: Quantity: Size: (Default is 500px in width and 300px in height) Other:
What you're ordering: Font: (must be from dafont and available for free) Text: Pattern: Quantity: Other:
Last edited by dulcet on Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:30 am; edited 1 time in total
Sorella Retired Admin
Posts : 4072 Join date : 2012-03-02 Birthday : 1997-11-02 Age : 27
Character sheet Hitpoints: (150/150) Character Name:: Alliance::
Subject: Re: HTML, GIFs, and Banners Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:17 am
Hey, I see you've gotten all cozy and stuff over here!
I would just like to say, as much as this is a great shop and all! and it's certainly something new, admins here like to be informed of this before it goes up, so it would have been nice to get a friendly little reminder in my PM box or something, or at least asking! (: So next time ask please!
I'm fine with it, just a little off setting because I wasn't asked about it, but we haven't had anything like html here soo! yea (:
P.S. the last rule is a bit um.. kinda threatening and we don't exactly like threats here! If you do come across a problem of any sort just PM an admin and we'll get right on it!
Posts : 13 Join date : 2012-02-23
Subject: Re: HTML, GIFs, and Banners Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:32 am
Quote :
using these layouts on other sites are allowed, but I hope you don't pretend that you've made it, thinking that I won't find it. I may be on that site, you know.
This one?
Oh. I might've skipped over the part where I had to PM an admin ;--; Forgive me, I'm really tired right now.
Sorella Retired Admin
Posts : 4072 Join date : 2012-03-02 Birthday : 1997-11-02 Age : 27
Character sheet Hitpoints: (150/150) Character Name:: Alliance::
Subject: Re: HTML, GIFs, and Banners Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:48 am
Yes that one! xD
and, no biggie, it was just a little surprising to me was all! (: Not like you made this big offense that'd result in the ban hammer or something, haha. I'm tired too no worries.