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| Subject: Keyboard Malfunction Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:10 am | |
| Heeeeeyyyy so I'm goin6g to try to keep this short, b5ut as you can6 see I'm havin6g a b5it of troub5le with my keyb5oard. xD B%5asically I spilled b5oth water an6d milk on6 my keyb5oard an6d the mouse wen6t all glitchy an6d the keytb5oard wouldn6't work at all (I had to use the on6screen6 keyb5oard, which mean6s I had t move the mouse an6d click on6 every sin6gle in6dividual letter, ugh) an6d n6ow the mouse works an6d the keyb5oard mostly works b5ut my en6ter key doesn6't work an6d every time I type an6 n or a 6, it types an6 n6, an6d every time I type a b or a 5, it types a b5. There are a few other thin6gs (volume lowerin6g key turn6in6g off my wifi, dash addin6g an6 en6ter, etc.) b5ut although I can6 b5ackspace the n6umb5ers it gets really an6n6oyin6g an6d I prefer to just type, so I wan6ted to let you kn6ow in6 case someon6e won6dered why an6y future posts lon6ger than6 like three sen6ten6ces had a ton6 of ran6dom n6umb5ers everywhere. That's all! |